The Hairy Pony Equine Safety Razors have been designed with both precision & sustainability in mind. Crafted with a unique blend of cutting-edge technology & eco-friendly materials, our razors are proudly made with wheat fiber - a natural, sustainable by-product of wheat cultivation. Designed specifically for tidying up hair on your horse's jawline, legs & tail, as well as removing botfly eggs, the Hairy Pony Equine Safety Razors offer a safe & effective solution for maintaining your horse’s polished appearance. The Hairy Pony Equine Safety Razors are available in a pack of three & are complete with blade covers.
Ensure your horse’s hair is clean from dirt. Optionally, use a clean, warm cloth to dampen your horse’s hair. Gently glide the razor over the hair in the direction of hair growth.
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Any unrequired goods must be returned in original and unused condition with proof of purchase and the tags attached within 21 days of the purchase date.
If our products are faulty we will commit to meeting our obligations under the Consumer Guarantee Act 1993.